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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 37-July 20, 2010

Paddling out from Black River Harbor was uneventful. The shoreline varied from sand to rock and back to sand. We passed a large group of boyscouts out with a local outfitter.
We stopped for lunch in between rain showers just before we rounded Little Girls Point. There was a campground and day park with plenty of people rock hunting on the cobble beach.
After rounding Little Girls Point the shoreline once again became very rocky and steep. We watched a deer navigate down the steep rock for a drink which made for quite a sight. The steep rocks soon turned into cliffs with no breaks until the Montreal River.
In between rain showers we were able to catch our first glimpses of the Apostle Islands. Even from a distance they were beautiful.
The Montreal River came before we knew it. We unceremoniously crossed into Wisconsin and said our goodbyes to Michigan. Saxon Harbor looked nice and had a campground but we continued on. High sand dunes and beaches stretched all the way to Marble Point and we made good use of the area for camp.

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