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Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 30-July 13, 2010

Today: 23 mi
Trip: 447.77

Sadly our cute cobble beach turned into party central at night. Firecrackers, drinking, and loud music kept us up past 3 am. By the time we were up at 6 am packing, the quiet rock hunters were back reclaiming thief beach.
Heading off we had another fun day of following seas. The shore was a little rocky but had some good sand beaches too. We lunched at the upper entrance to the Portage River and were a little bummed that we too early to see the Ranger returning from Isle Royale.
Paddling along, the shore went from sand to rock and back to sand. It was not long before we could see the smoke stack at Freda and the sandstone cliffs of Redridge. There were some small waterfalls and plenty of sea caves talking to us as the swells slammed into them. No sooner had we passed the stack at redridge did we really begin to feel the effects of the waves. At one point I turned around just in time to see a wave crash on the deck just behind mom. Luckily there was a small sand beach tucked between two points of cliffs and we decided to land for the night. It was strange to see waves building at 5 pm and even stranger that they did not lay down until past 7. I guess Lake Superior gave us too much of a good thing, but at least we got some good miles in.

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