Well another hectic day is under our belts. Ultimately we have decided to push our launch date back one day due in part to weather and another for our sanity. Tomorrow we shall make our pilgrimage up to Sault Ste. Marie to fill out our I-68 forms, in preparation for a Canadian landing at some point, and then its off to a hotel to put our final touches on the trip. Sunday morning will hopefully bring fair weather and following seas. We anticipate a launch from Ashmun Bay Boat Launch at a decent hour and then its nothing but paddling to be had!
If all goes to plan (which it surely won't) we will average 30 miles a day. For those of you hoping to meet up with is along the water, be sure to stay tuned to what will actually happen mileage-wise! Tomorrow I should have a more formal breakdown of destinations and approximate time frames along with our gear laid out before we actually load the boat down. Stay tuned... the best is yet to come!
I hope your trip is fun and full of fair weather days. Looking forward to the pictures and posts on the blog.